Get Our Best-Selling Photography Secrets at Our Best-EVER Price!
Can You Take A
Simple Photo?

If yes, you could make $200 – $2,000 a week taking photographs in your own backyard... around the house... or anywhere in the world you hope to travel in the future...
Just like these people:
Dear Reader,
Just think if you could walk into your backyard, kneel down, and snap a photo of a vegetable in your garden... or capture a shot of your child digging in the sandbox... and then get paid $25... $50... even $150 or more for each one...
Or even turn it into a full-time income.
The good news is: You can.
When Cheryl Bigman had the opportunity to take a severance package and leave her corporate job, she jumped at the chance to finally be free to pursue a more creative and fulfilling career.
She always loved photography but never thought she could make a real living at it.
That is until she attended a Great Escape workshop in Paris and saw all the opportunities and freedom photography could provide...
“I started from nothing,” she said.
“Knowing nothing about photography really. Knowing nothing about a photography all of a sudden, here I am 10 years later, making six figures in photography.”
Today Cheryl is a full-time portraits and events photographer, and she’s made healthy six-figure income for the last three consecutive years...
You too can do what Cheryl did... because her success isn't due to any special talent she was born with.
She just happened upon one of the best-kept secrets in the business.
It’s easy. It’s fun. And you can master it even if you have little to no photography experience and only use a simple point-and-shoot camera.
And although it doesn’t seem that way right now, there will come a time when the planes will fly, and travel will become normal again. Use your time now to discover everything this program has to offer, and you’ll find yourself with a launchpad, ready to fund future trips and adventures when the time is right.
And we can show you how to start—as soon as today.
Photos Sell for Far More Every Day.
And You Don’t Need a Resume or Formal Training.
Thanks to the rapidly growing number of magazines, books, blogs, tourism boards, and more – all needing great photos – there is a bigger demand for good pictures than ever before. And you can be the one to take them. Most of these businesses don’t want to hire a staff photographer… instead, they’re turning to freelancers to fill that demand.
They don’t care if you never went to photo school. They don’t care what kind of gear you have. They simply need good photos. And if you can provide them... you’ve got the job.
Here are some sample images from our members, all sold by folks who had no experience at the start...
Theresa St. John has earned over $600 from this simple image she took at a bakery…

Ann Moore has made over $2,000 selling simple shots like this “banner” image of fall foliage…

Danny Warren takes photos and sells them of his family hikes…

Colleen Bessel regularly sells her shots at art fairs, and recently tried adding text to them for a new twist. This one below earned her around $500 in prints and cards…

Heather Land loved taking photos of her own kids... and turned that love into a fun business taking school photos that just made her $19,000 in one season…

And Steve Collender hit his 100,000th stock photo sale last year with simple shots like this one – his best-selling image that he created in Photoshop.

It’s not about talent or equipment or how far you travel (you can see, after all, that several of these photos were taken around each photographer’s home)…
… it’s instead about knowing where and how to get your photos into the hands of the right buyers.
Success in photography – or any art really – is less about being discovered or being the best. Instead, it’s more about knowing how the system works and where photo buyers go when they need good images.
When the current movement restrictions are over, imagine traveling to Tahiti for a vacation. You shoot plenty of pictures that you can sell when you return home.
Or imagine finding yourself in the Bahamas where most of your accommodations are paid for… and you get to tour a local zoo and swim with dolphins on a nearby island -- all for free.
Or how about whisking your spouse away on a romantic, three-day Valentine's weekend to Vancouver Island at someone else's expense…
You cruise the Gulf Islands with complimentary refreshments and full buffet meals, photographing picturesque island escapes. You waltz alongside the carillon… sample fine wines and decadent chocolates… and then, get paid to tell people about your experience!
Each of these exotic trips are examples of trips taken by photographers I know.
And two of them are relatively new to photography. Yet, that’s not stopping them from enjoying the perks and freedom this lifestyle offers. It’s what you can expect, too – and for doing something you probably already do anyway. After all, surely you pack your camera when you travel…
Follow our lead, get your travel plans in place, use this program to build your launchpad and you could find yourself on the “invitation list” at some of the world’s best resorts, hotels, bed-and-breakfasts, eco-retreats, and weekend hideaways, getting all kinds of offers of hospitality… invitations for overnight stays… dinner on the house and more… all compliments of the owners.

But for right now, perhaps the best part is, you don’t even have to leave home to get started. Your home is a goldmine of photographic opportunity.
The World–And Your Home–Is Jam-Packed With Opportunities to Profit From Your Photographs
Photo opportunities exist everywhere. On the roadside… in your kitchen… while talking online with friends… in your backyard… a nearby park… special events… and more…
Just take a look around you – at magazines, newspapers, books, trade journals, technical manuals, and almost any published material. Look at the cover and flip through the pages. What do you see? Photographs.
Someone has to take those pictures. Why not you?
This photo was shot just 15 minutes from the photographer’s home in Colorado Springs, CO. Prior to this shoot, the photographer had never before sold a picture…
Certainly, you’ve seen prettier pictures. Perhaps photos you’ve purchased in the past to hang on your walls. Yet each of these has earned its photographer a pretty penny. And they didn’t have to go far to get them.
It’s all about knowing how to take the kinds of photos that sell best and where to sell them when you have them.
In fact, that’s why I’m writing to you today. It’s not about being the best photographer on the planet. It’s about knowing which magazines, newspapers, websites, stock agencies, and more need your photos and how to approach them. People who have come to understand these best-kept secrets have seen quick results.
“I love it when a writer has photos to go with a story. Especially if a story is about a unique place or a unique take on a place. At International Living, we find ourselves with a particular challenge in that we’re publishing stories as often as we can about places that are off-the-beaten-track, not your everyday locales. As a result, few stock photos exist of these places. So, we’re eager to come by writers who offer a photo-story package. It definitely gives them an edge.”
– Jennifer Stevens, Executive Editor, International Living
Terry Alberts wrote to say, “This was easier than I thought. I just submitted 12 of my D.C. pictures to an online stock agency and five were accepted. Four of them were ones I took during your workshop, and the fifth was one I took that very next weekend.”
Lisa Top heard that it’s not always the prettiest pictures that sell, so she went around her house and photographed everything that was falling apart like this picture of termite droppings. It made over $200, and continues to sell…

Theresa St. John, who I mentioned earlier, showed me this photo that she sold for nearly $500 to a fine art client who loves lighthouses. It’s also selling on her stock sites and she’s earned another $25 (and counting) there.

And, successes continue to roll in.
In fact, if you follow this program, you too, could soon have a story to share with me. And, I look forward to hearing it.
Here are a few more recent successes…
“I never thought I’d be a photographer”
“I never thought I'd be a photographer. I was actually more interested in writing than I was photography” said fellow member-turned-photographer, Wayne Hoover… But he took one of our photography programs, and continues his note to say – “On my last assignment alone I made $1,500 from a series of photos. I have created an income stream that I can do for years on end, and it allows my creativity to flow.”
“If I can do it, you can do it!”
Steve Collender got into stock photography when he lost his job at the airlines after 9/11. He started taking pictures and submitting them to different agencies for income. “If I earn enough to pay the electric bill,” he thought, “I’d be happy with that.” But soon his photo royalties paid not just the electric bill but also the phone and gas bill. Then they were enough to pay the car payment and eventually the mortgage. Today he’s back working and the income he earns from his stock photographs are funding his retirement.
And you can do this, too. That’s where our program comes in…
You don’t need years of experience and you don’t need high-tech equipment to start making money as a photographer… at least, not when you have this useful program by your side.
So can you take simple photos like these?
If yes, Great Escape Publishing's Turn Your Pictures into Cash program can help you sell them.Start Using These Tricks of the Trade and Work Your Way up to “Pro” Status, While You Publish and Sell Your “Practice” Shots!
“Very useful program containing detailed and valuable information on each market: fine art, stock, editorial etc..” –Celia F.
In Turn Your Pictures into Cash, you’ll learn:
- The difference between a snapshot and a $5,000 photograph: 5 tricks you can use to bump up sales.
- Never miss a money shot. Quickly find the tips you need for shooting in a variety of locations and situations -- desert scenes, beaches, night photography, mist and fog, snow, rain, sunsets and sunrises, waterfalls, landscapes, pets, fireworks, sports and street photography, and more.
- Your most important asset is not your camera. It’s your eyes! Learn classic principles of composition from great artists, painters, sculptors, and architects… and you’ll never take an average photo again.
- Imagine getting $20,000 for an afternoon of taking photos.That’s what some of the big-time commercial photographers can make. But mid-level commercial photographers can make $1,500-$2,500 a day and it’s an opportunity worth exploring. You’ll learn the five proven ways to generate commercial photo business once you know how to create pro-quality photos.
- Turn Your Pictures into Cash means you’ll get results fast. We’ve pulled together the resources you need to create simple, saleable photos within days, and we’ll make sure you get them upfront, on day 1.
Tricks that instantly set you apart… and mark you as Pro:
- How to use your camera’s built-in features to ensure you get great lighting in every image. The average Joe doesn’t even know these exist!
- Why your camera’s automatic mode will work for some pictures but will leave others looking washed out or too dark — and what you can do about it.
- 11 things I bet you didn’t know your little camera could do.
- How to use natural light – and window lighting – to snap saleable product photos or everyday household items.
- How to create a mood (such as peace and tranquility) using light: Learn how light’s direction, its source, and its color can lead to more sales.
- The Press Photographer’s trick to taking sharp photos – even amongst a crowd of pushing fans (It’s really easy and will help you snap perfectly focused pictures in crowded situations).
Smart money strategies:
- Advice on buying the right equipment (if and when you upgrade)
- The lazy way to make a great living as a photographer is to resell your photos. That’s why you’ll learn about photo buying rights and how to copyright your work – so you make wise decisions that ensure you can resell your photos for years to come.
You’ll also discover our productivity tip on organizing your photos. This system will help find photos easily (now, and in years from now), so you always make FAST CASH when the opportunity arises!
- How to set your fees and present your work professionally.
- How to encourage editors to buy more than one photo at a time: Master the secret to writing great photo captions.
And much, much more… all gleaned from a cadre of successful, globe-trotting photographers.
This program contains all of the secrets, tips, techniques, and strategies you need to take profitable photographs and turn pro. Including where to find PAYING clients right now… and how to know what they need from you.
Worried About Competition? Don’t be!
There are thousands of Opportunities for You to Get Your Photos Published… EVERY DAY!
What’s more, most of them are produced by freelance photographers!
Stock photo agencies are constantly on the lookout for new talent.
Gallery owners, too, are always on the lookout for new artists (yes, photography is an art form) to fill their walls with saleable pictures.
More of what users of the program are saying…
“Very well done, it covers the most important topics in photography, most important how to sell and where, and how to market.” –Susanna P.
“It’s the most thorough guide to marketing your photos!” –Julie W.
In the past few years, the web has become a market of its own — one which even the more modest digital point-and-shoot cameras can take ample advantage of.
There’s a whole new world of opportunity out there waiting for you.
That means there are plenty of opportunities for you to sell your photos… once you know how to fill a client’s needs and take saleable photos… which is exactly what you’ll learn in Turn Your Pictures into Cash!
Get Started Today!Save 54% With This Limited-Time Offer... Plus it's Guaranteed
The regular full price of this unique resource is $430.
It's worth every penny at that price, frankly—as the secrets revealed inside can serve up ten times that in income.
But by ordering today, you can take a full 54% off. That means you can access the Turn Your Pictures into Cash Program for just $430 $199.
And have no doubt—you could earn that back in a month selling your photographs.
But there's more...this offer comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Order today at a huge discount and you'll get full, uninterrupted access to the complete package. If you faithfully follow the simple techniques and advice this program gives you — you should have a saleable photograph.
This means you can go out and sell it for $50... $150... $400... $800... perhaps even more.
And if you don't think you can, let us know by phone or email within the first 12-months and we'll send you a full refund.
I think you'll find that as you advance your skill, your income will too. But even if you're not satisfied, just call or email us for a refund. Easy peasy.
Order Today and Save 54%!
Cindy Merrell has earned around $1,200 for this photo she took in a
clinical environment... and around $9,000 from her entire stock
portfolio overall.
This Truly is a Remarkable Opportunity for You to Unleash the Budding Photographer in You… But I Urge You to ACT NOW!
Photography can provide an excellent means to transform your travels into paid vacations. It also provides a measure of freedom I suspect you value highly. You can live wherever you like, work whenever you feel like it…
Plus I can say from my own experience that exploring the world on behalf of my job – always with a pen in hand and a camera around my neck – has given me many of my very fondest memories… and some unbelievable perks, too.
Photography is amazing. It can feed the soul and inspire people...The possibilities are endless. That's why I urge you to act now and test drive Turn Your Photos into Cash today for just $430 $199. You'll save 54% when you order today. If you love creativity... if you love taking pictures (and wouldn't mind turning into a pro within the next 12 months)...
If you love creativity… if you love taking pictures (and wouldn’t mind turning into a pro within the next 12 months)…
If you love exploring your community and the beauty of this world…
If you would enjoy people treating you like a VIP… sending you across the globe at their expense…
… then Turn Your Pictures into Cash is the best place to begin your adventure.
Wishing You Profitable Pictures,
Bonnie Caton
Great Escape Publishing